Sony Files ‘Super-Fungible Token’ NFT Patent

Sony, the Japanese electronics behemoth, has filed a patent involving the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as part of in-game mechanics. Sony’s patent describes the usage of a “Super-Fungible Token,” an amalgamation of a set of gaming assets, allowing the selection of only one of them per time in the gaming implementation.
Sony Files Patent For ‘Super-Fungible Token’ Combining NFT Assets
Sony, one of the largest companies in the gaming industry, might leverage non-fungible token (NFT) assets as part of in-game mechanics in the future. On February 29, a patent filed by Sony was published, describing the implementation of a “super-fungible token” system that allows players of a determined game to combine all their gaming assets into a single NFT.
According to the patent, each of these tokens would be saved into a determined blockchain, and the programming of each token would allow the selection of only one game asset at a time, locking the others until the first one is released. This would be useful for, for example, games where the player can equip only one set at a time (a gun or clothing gear).
NFTs in a “super-fungible token” can also be swapped, allowing for personalization and customization of the loadout. This would allow gamers to prepare a combination of times for each opportunity.
The benefits of this kind of implementation would be equivalent to the benefits of owning a single NFT-based asset: allowing true ownership of the items that compose the “super-fungible token.” Also, the trading of these assets in secondary markets would be allowed.
If programmed accordingly, another benefit of this system would be the possibility of using the same group of assets acquired or purchased in one game in another. For example, the same loadout used in a First-person shooter (FPS) game would be available to be equipped in a different FPS game, allowing the user to take advantage of the same group of assets in different games.
In 2022, Sony filed another NFT-related patent, proposing using these assets to follow the story of a determined item and register memorable moments or achievements on a game in the blockchain.